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4 anmeldelser
Vurderinger som er eldre enn ett år tas ikke med i gjennomsnittsvurderingen.
ForferdeligEndret 8 måneder siden

My journey to get a replacement of this doll Trick or Treat Studios Seed of Chucky Tiffany. Day 25 september I get the doll (got online), same day I send an email to the store showing pics of my doll and explaning the problem. I have pics of: Pics of my doll, pics of others owners of the same doll they sent to me on Instagram, and the chat I had with Trick Or Treat Studios (the manufacturer of this doll in US). YOU CAN SEE THESE PICS ON MY INSTAGRAM @shechucky The store clame both 2 dolls they have in stock now look same as mine, and that it is not a defect, they said this is normal, I show to them other people doll's pics and a video on youtube, same doll, where you can see the neck, and I ask to see these 2 dolls they have, they send me the pic you can see bellow, so I argue that in that pic I can't see both dolls, that I would like to see both, so after I ask to see both dolls the answer I get was that they will not talk to me anymore, only to the autorities. *yes I know they don't need to show me anything if they don't want to, I just asked, maybe they could show me, and THEY DID SAID THEY WILL YES SHOW ME, but at the end all I get is what u can see bellow in the picture, so, I AM NOT SAYING THEY ARE OBLIGATED TO SHOW ME, just to be clear. Also they said (all of it is in 17 emails between me and the store) they said they will not replace my doll because my doll have no defect/faulty, they said they would give me 700 nok (I paid 7895 nok for the doll) to keep this doll I have now, so I ask it to be in a coupon to buy one more doll so I can choose the one that looks better to keep it and send back the other to the store, they said no. They offer full refund if I send the doll back, I will not send the doll until I get another one perfect IN MY HANDS, that is why I would buy another one, to check how it looks once they won't show me some pics at least, this doll is a collector doll, this is the only one store in Norway that have this doll, and the doll is not being manufactured anymore. So, as a fan, I have saved money over one year to buy this doll, I will not take the risk to send it and maybe end up without any doll, and yes I told all of it to the store. Not sure if people can understand this, but try, ok? And yes I did contact the norwegian authorities (forbrukerradet), so far no answer from them. Everything I said here are in the emails exchanged between me and the store, I don't know if it would be illegal to expose this on the internet, so until I find out I won't do it, but I have everything in email. The reason I'm on the internet showing this is to try to get justice in a more efficient and faster way, the store still have 2 dolls, and I do believe they are perfect, or at least better than mine. I think maybe the only way to figure this out is buying the other 2 dolls and check them myself, but I dont have 16k, it took me a year to save 8. haha I would borrow money to buy one more, but that is not so simple to, 8k is a lot of money. Sad thing is, I could buy it on Ebay, but I choose Norway to be safe, haha, now look where I am, no support from the store, no replacement for a defective doll. Ps: today 02 october 2023 I got an official email from the manufacturer Trick or Treat Studios in US confirming that THIS IS A DEFECT. So the store have 2 more dolls, even if tbey claim both look the same (I doubt VERY MUCH), why don't send me one so I can choose the one that looks less worse? Why they don't show me so I can SEE they aren't lieying? And why they are selling a defective product at full price and not describing it to let the customers know?

UtmerketEndret 8 måneder siden

Rask og grei leveranse. Varene var av forventet god kvalitet.

UtmerketEndret ett år siden

Alt fungerte bra...jeg fikk varen etter kort tid, og har spist denne topp sjokoladen med stor lyst...håper dere får den inn igjen snarest.

UtmerketEndret ett år siden

Lettvint handel,rimelige varer og rask levering

UtmerketEndret ett år siden

Rask levering. Godt utvalg.

Utmerketett år siden

Har ingenting å utsette. Alt er perfekt .

Utmerketett år siden

Bra utvalg, gode pris og rask levering. Kvalitet på vare var også over forventning

Utmerket2 år siden

Rask levering, godt innpakket. God informasjon underveis av sendingen, man føler seg trygg i kjøpet og tingene er av god kvalitet

Bra2 år siden

Jeg har i det store og hele vært fornøyd med de produktene jeg har kjøpt. Kun et unntak, og det var seneste gangen jeg handlet der. Et produkt avvek fra både bilde og beskrivelse.

Utmerket2 år siden

Greit og bestille og varene ble levert fort(3 dager)

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Fullstendig firmanavn: Partyking

Organisasjonsnummer: 917134936